>Advisory board

Philippe Ciais
Philippe Ciais is Associate Director at the Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et del'Environnement (LSCE) and Professor at Versailles University (UVSQ). He is a physicist working on the global carbon cycle of planet Earth, climate change,ecology and geosciences. Philippe Ciais is a highly cited researcher in two fields: Geosciences and Environment/Ecology and in all the fields of the ISI science indicators (Thomson Reuters). He has ranked as the most productive scientific author in the field of climate change, and among the authors who contributed to 5 of the 100 most influential papers in this field in a recent CarbonBrief analysis (2015) and was ranked among the list of Highly Cited Researchers in Clarivate Analytics. He also has worked for the IPCC in the Fourth IPCC Assessment Report, which was awarded the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize, and coordinated the Chapter 6 "Carbon and other biogeochemical cycles" in the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report.