>Advisory board

Bin Chen
Bin Chen is a Distinguished Professor of environment modelling at Beijing Normal University. He obtained B.E. degree in electrical engineering from Zhejiang University, and Ph.D. degree in environmental science from Peking University. His research interests include ecological economics, energy-water nexus and urban ecosystem. Dr. Chen has published over 200 peer-reviewed papers in prestigious international journals such as Science Advances, Nature Communications, Nature Climate Change, PNAS, and Trends in Biotechnology. He has 8 ESI-Most Cited Articles and 12 Top 25 Hottest Articles (Elsevier). His works are widely recognized and have more than 10000 citations with H-index of 44 according to Web of Science. He is serving as Associate Editor of Journal of Cleaner Production, Frontiers of Earth Science, Subject Editor of Applied Energy, and an editorial board member of Energy, Ecological Modelling, Journal of Environmental Management, Journal of Hydrodynamics and Ecological Informatics, etc. He was also among the organizers and keynote speakers for various international conferences.